The Elite Builders Sales System
There is a simple formula to creating a Fortune as a Builder or Remodeler and it all relies on your ability to “Close more deals at Higher Price Points.” And YES, I said simple, I did NOT say easy. The “Elite Builders Sales System” is your Key to it all!
Here it is, The simple Formula to a Fortune and not just a Living …
- It starts with generating the Highest Gross Profit possible with an Acquisition Machine that continually closes more deals at higher and higher price points
- We NEED this massive increase in Gross Profit to generate the cash required for the following …
- A marketing budget healthy enough to keep feeding the “Acquisition Machine” with MORE, NEW and BETTER leads that are willing to PAY MORE.
- To afford to pay the right dollars to attract and build great teams around you. High Performing Teams need to be paid accordingly if you want to build a well oiled, scalable machine.
- To afford the increase in total overhead or operating costs that will come as a result of your growth and market domination. You will need to look the part and that all costs money you’ll never have without closing more deals at higher price points.
- Great teams will free you from the day to day allowing you to focus ON the business not IN it for you to become the entrepreneurial leader the business requires, for real Growth & Scalability.
Cash is King, Getting the Money Right is everything! You MUST be able to sell jobs at higher price points or you will never be able to afford what it takes to Grow & Scale your business.
This book is your Step by Step Guide with the 5 Secret Weapons and 2 Bonus Weapons you need to create a Sales System that will blow the minds of your clients and blow away your competition. Separating yourself from the competition is your only way to charge more than they do. The Elite Builders Sales System is your golden ticket.
- You’re 171 Pages away from the Key to making a Fortune and not just a Living!
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